Consulta de tratados internacionais

Convenção sobre Relações Consulares
Instrumento Multilateral
Local de conclusão
Data de Conclusão
Inicío de vigência na ordem internacional
Data de depósito de instrumento de ratificação
Início de vigência relativamente a Portugal
Diplomas de aprovação
Aprovada para adesão pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 183/72
Diário da República I, n.º 127, 1.º suplemento, de 30/05/1972 (rectificação publicada no DR, I, n.º 160, de 11/07/1972)
Aviso de 07/10/1972 - torna público o depósito do instrumento de adesão à Convenção
- J. Quigley, W.J. Aceves e A. Shank, The Law of Consular Access: a Documentary Guide, Routledge, 2009, 328 pp.
- Luke T. Lee, Consular Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, 1991

Artigos de periódicos
- Sarah M. Ray, Domesticating international obligations: how to ensure U.S. compliance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, in California Law Review, V.91, n.6, Dez 2003, p.1729-1771
- Jeremy White, A new remedy stresses the need for international education: the impact of the Lagrand case on a domestic court's violation of a foreign national's consular relations rights under the Vienna Convention, in Washington University Global Studies Law Review, Vol.2, n 1, Winter 2003
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, Questions of International Judicial Jurisdiction in the LaGrand Case, in Leiden Journal of International Law, 2002, Vol.15, n.1
- Cara Drinan, Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Private Enforcement in American Courts after LaGrand, in Stanford Law Review, Vol.54, n.6, 2002
- Pierre M. Martin, Carences tragiques de la Convention de Vienne sur les relations consulaires : l'affaire LaGrand devant la Cour internationale de Justice, in Recueil Dalloz, Chroniques, n.10 (7mars2002), p.823-829
- Monica Feria Tinta, Due Process and the Right to Life in the Context of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Arguing the LaGrand Case, in European Journal of International Law, 2001, Vol.12, n.2
- Ronald L. Hanna, Consular access to detained foreign nationals: an overview of the current application of the Vienna Convention in criminal practice, in Southern Illinois University Law Journal, 2000, Vol.25, n.1
- Michael K. Addo, Interim measures of protection for rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, in European Journal of International Law, V.10, n.4 (1999), p.713-732
- Mariano J. Aznar-Gómez, A propos de l'affaire relative à la convention de Vienne sur les relations consulaires : Paraguay c. Etats-Unis D'Amérique, in Revue Générale de Droit International Public, t.102, n.4(1998), p.915-950
- Mark J. Kadish, Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: a Search for the Right to Consul, in Michigan Journal of International Law, 1997, Vol.18, n.4, p.565-613